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10 Easy Ways to Increase Traffic on Pinterest

Updated: Mar 23

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increase traffic on pinterest

Pinterest is not just a platform for DIY projects and inspirational quotes; it's a powerful search tool for businesses and individuals looking to increase their online presence. With its visually appealing layout and engaged user base, Pinterest offers a unique opportunity to drive traffic to your website or blog. In this blog post, we'll explore 10 easy and effective ways to increase traffic on Pinterest, helping you grow your audience and reach new heights. Especially if your target audience is women, the following are the best ways to get your blog content to show up in their search results. 

1. Optimize Your Profile:

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The first step to increasing your Pinterest traffic is to ensure that your profile is optimized for maximum visibility. Use a high-quality profile picture or logo and write a compelling bio that clearly communicates your brand or personal identity. You can now use 500 characters in your bio description, but keep in mind that only the first 140 or so will show up, so make sure you say the important stuff first. Use keywords in your bio to improve searchability and reach a wider audience when Pinterest users are looking for specific content. It's a good idea to check that your website link shows up in your bio too so that your audience can get to your website the easiest way with just one click.

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If you are a mompreneur, be sure to take advantage of switching your Pinterest account to the free Pinterest business account.  This allows more features and analytics tracking, not to mention utilizing rich pins (see below) for more clicks.

2. Create Eye-Catching Pins:

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Pinterest is a visual platform, the most important thing and your success hinges on creating eye-catching pins that capture users' attention. Use high-quality images, vibrant colors, and engaging graphics to make your pins stand out in the crowded feed. Additionally, design pins with the optimal dimensions (currently recommended at 1000x1500 pixels) to ensure they display well on all devices. A great way to create new pin images is to use Canva. Be sure your fresh pins have a clear title to help drive blog traffic and brand awareness. 

I always say that Pinterest is the most clickable environment out of all the social networks. Pinterest users are used to clicking for recipes and printables, so your chance of outbound clicks increases with higher quality images. Since every pin has a direct link to each blog article, it is a great way to up your website visitors. If you have a blog, one of the best practices is to include Pinterest share buttons in every blog on your website. This allows more eyeballs to your Pinterest account, but also increases page views back to your blog.

3. Implement Keyword Strategy:

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Keywords play a crucial role in making your content discoverable on Pinterest, because it is really considered a visual search engine. Conduct thorough keyword research to identify the right keywords and phrases relevant to your blog niche. Incorporate these keywords strategically in your pin description, pin title, board titles, and board descriptions to improve your content's visibility in Pinterest searches. This will increase the likelihood of your pins being shown to users interested in your topic.

Video pins allow you to add Pinterest tags that coordinate with their main categories. A good Pinterest marketing strategy should include utilizing these categories in some pin titles and board names.  If you are not getting enough website traffic, the best things to change are the titles and descriptions of your Pinterest pins to match popular keywords and your most relevant board. The power of Pinterest lies in the search term and related keywords. 

4. Utilize Rich Pins to Increase Traffic on Pinterest:

Rich Pins provide additional information about your content directly on the pin itself, offering users more context and increasing the chances of engagement. There are different types of Rich Pins, including Article pins, Products, Recipe pins, and App Pins. Depending on your content, choose the appropriate type of Rich Pin to enhance the user experience and encourage them to click through to your website.

5. Join Pinterest Group Boards:

pinterest group boards

Collaborating with others in your niche can significantly amplify your Pinterest reach. Joining relevant group boards allows you to share your content with a broader audience. Look for active and well-curated group boards, and don't hesitate to reach out to board owners to request an invitation. Participating in group boards exposes your pins to a larger community, increasing the likelihood of repins and outbound clicks.

6. Pin Consistently:

Consistency is key on Pinterest. Regularly pinning fresh content signals to the Pinterest algorithm that your profile is active and engaged. Create a pinning schedule that works for you, whether it's daily or a few times a week. Use tools like Tailwind to schedule pins in advance and at the right time, ensuring a steady stream of content to your boards without overwhelming your audience.

7. Engage with the Pinterest Community:

Building a presence on Pinterest involves more than just pinning your own content. Actively engage with the Pinterest community by repinning, liking, and commenting on relevant content from other people's pins in your niche. This not only helps you connect with like-minded individuals but also increases the visibility of your profile as you become an active participant in the community. You may have new content in your own pins that is valuable information for someone who has pinned the same viral pins that you have pinned. That's how the Pinterest algorithm works.

8. Promote Your Pinterest on Other Platforms:

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Cross-promotion is a powerful marketing strategy to drive traffic to your Pinterest profile. Share your best pins on other social media platforms, your blog, or even in your email newsletters. Encourage your existing audience to follow you on Pinterest to stay updated with your latest content. This not only increases your Pinterest visibility but also brings in new followers who may not have discovered your profile otherwise.

9. Create Compelling Board Titles and Descriptions:

Optimize your boards for search by creating compelling titles and descriptions. Use relevant keywords to describe the content within each board, making it easier for users to find and explore your Pinterest boards. Well-crafted board titles and descriptions not only improve searchability but also entice users to explore more of your content, increasing the likelihood of them clicking through to your website. Think about your target audience and create boards for what they might be searching for.

10. Analyze and Adjust Your Pinterest Strategy:

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Regularly analyze your Pinterest analytics to understand what is working and what needs improvement. Pay attention to the performance of your pins, boards, outbound clicks and overall engagement. Identify trends, popular content, and the demographics of your audience. Use these insights to refine your strategy, focusing on the types of content that resonate most with your audience and adjusting your approach to maximize Pinterest traffic.

For best results, don't forget to check your website analytics as well. Be sure you can find the extra information about specific traffic sources on most analytics software, which sometimes requires a deeper dive into their menus. You want to see if all your extra effort on your Pinterest business profile is actually getting you clicks to your website.

By implementing these 10 easy and effective strategies, you can boost your Pinterest traffic, increase your online visibility, and grow your audience. Remember that success on Pinterest, like any social media platform, requires time and consistent effort. Stay engaged, adapt your strategy based on analytics, and watch your Pinterest presence flourish. As you continue to refine your approach, you'll find that Pinterest becomes not only a source of inspiration but a valuable tool for driving traffic to your website or blog.

Written in collaboration with artificial intelligence (ChatGPT-3.5). Edited by a human.

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